Saturday, January 2, 2010

Lesson on digestion of food


I hope the 3 videos have helped you to understand:

-peristalsis, the wave-like rhythmic movement in the stomach and intestines to churn food and move food along the gut.

-mechanical digestion or chewing in the mouth. teeth break food into smaller particles

-chemical digestion or breaking down of food into smaller molecules so that they can be absorbed into the blood stream.

-producctionof of enzymes in mouth, amylase digests starch into maltose.

-production of enzyme pepsin and hydrochloric acid in the stomach. these help in the breakdown of proteins and kill germs in the food respectively.

-production of lipase and digestion of fats in the small intestine.

-villi in the small intestine to increase surface area in contact with digested food so that absorption is more efficient.

-absorption of digested food, small diffusible molecules into the blood stream.

-the circulatory system carries the food in the blood to all parts of the body for use or assimilation.


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