Sunday, May 31, 2009

What is wrong with what we eat?


Mark Bittman has been writing about food for more than 30 years. He is also a fiery and funny speaker.

View the short video below to find out about what is wrong with the way we eat now.

Meat production produces the highly toxic greenhouse gas methane, more powerful than carbon dioxide in causing global warming. Half the antibiotics manufactured is used to keep our livestock alive. Bittman says that life style diseases such as cancers, heart disease, diabetes and obesity can be reduced by eating less meat.

10 billion animals a year (cattle, lambs, chicken, and pigs) are slaughtered in the USA alone. Meat production increasd by 5 times when human population only doubled in the last few decades.

Mr Bittman traces in our eating habits in the last 50 years and how it has brought all the health woes that we are expericing now.

Processed food is spicier, sweeter, fattier and more convenient. More and more agricultual land is used to grow corn and soya to feed these lifestock. This is leading up to environmental risks.

We would all be more healthy if we eat more plants, less meat and less junk/processed food. Our carbon footprint would decrease if we ate locally produced fresh food instead of processed food in styrofoam packaging flown thousands of miles from another part of the world.


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