Saturday, May 30, 2009

Are domesticated plants manupulating us?


Michael Pollan, author of "The omnivore's Dilemma" is a good story teller.

You will see from the video how our food growing methods not only affects our health, but also how it affects the environment.

For a long time, since man started domesticating plants and animals for his food and raw materials, it has mostly been exploitative. More for man does not have to be less for nature.
He tells us how to re-look at nature. Agriculture can be co-developmental. He tells us about permaculture. It is organic food production where nature is taken into account (taking ecological relationships into account in farming methods). No new technology required, but food is produced cheaply, and environmental degradation is close to zero!

Do you know how plants use biochemistry to protect themselves against pests? We thought we had invented pesticides! It is only about 17 minutes of sheer entertainment and ideas.


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