Saturday, August 15, 2009

Heavy metal poisoning, Minamata disaster


Watch this disturbing video of what happened in Japan in the 1950s and 1960s at Minamata Bay area. Students, this topic is found in your syllabus on water pollution and bioaccumulation.

Mercury compounds in organic forms are very poisonous to the body. It was first noticed in the pet cats in the village. It was initially called the "Cats Dance Disease". Mercury compounds accumulates in cells causing central nervous system disorders, epilepsy-like symptoms and loss of sense of balance in man. In the 1960's children were born in the Minamata area with congenital brain damage and severe physical disabilities. Finally it was traced to the contamination of fish and other sea-foods with organic mercury compounds.

To listen to some songs on the environment by Peter Garrett of Midnight Oil, click on the link below;


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