Friday, June 5, 2009

Lessons from the 1918 influenza


In this video, Laurie Garrett talks about the lessons we can learn from 1918 influenza. She authored books such as "the Coming Plague" and "Betrayal of Trust" about crises in global public health.

View the short video below and get the answers to the following questions:
Q. Why is indiscriminate use of the anti-viral drug, Tamiflu, against flu pandemic unwise?
Q. Why are quarantine measures not going to work this time?
Q. Why will closing all schools, churches, and other public establishments not work in a pandemic?
Q. Why is washing hands thoroughly not 100% fool proof against spread of flu virus?
Q. What are the side effects of Tamiflu. Is it fatal in some people?
Q. How does use of large scale use of Tamiflu create flu resistant aquatic birds like ducks and geese?
Q. Is H1N1 really 100% lethal to pregnant women?
Q. Will taking pneumonia vaccine reduce death rate in a flu pandemic?
Q. Do H1N1 patients actually drown in their own fluids?
Q. Is 'pandemic' defined as a stage where human to human transmission occurrs in communities such as schools, churches, and workplaces?


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